
SyncDNA and HANCE revolutionize audio quality for remote collaboration

Tormod Engelsen

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SyncDNA revolutionize audio quality for remote collaboration with AI

The real-time aspect makes SyncDNA stand out - and that’s why we’ve chosen to use AI models from HANCE. SyncDNA, a company on the cutting edge of technology for remote synchronized collaboration, announces its strategic partnership with HANCE, another tech developer at the forefront of real-time noise removal.

SyncDNA enters into a partnership with HANCE to improve their collaboration platform. SyncDNA’s Media Bridge Engine, a frame and sample accurate remote collaboration system, will now provide HANCE's cutting-edge noise cancellation for all their product packages.

– We provide a real-time, sample-accurate, high-resolution audio recording and collaboration system to improve workflows for producers, engineers, artists, musicians, and composers. Think of it as a virtual studio. This new era of exceptional audio meets the industry's expectations and standards and makes it possible remotely — Arne Wilhelmsen, SyncDNA´s CEO.


Real-time AI audio enhancement

HANCE is an AI-company with models that deliver real-time audio enhancement, and can be integrated in almost any software and hardware.

Our models can remove noise, reverb, and even do stem separation, all in real-time. We’re happy to collaborate with SyncDNA and hope we can provide real-time value for an already impressive technology, says Joote Hika, CEO of HANCE.

HANCE will provide SyncDNA with a solution for elimination of crosstalk in a communication scenario. Crosstalk can originate from different Sources: Canceling speakers out of microphone in video conferencing / communication scenarios. Other participants in a meeting with several participants (usually played back through the center channel)

– To help SyncDNA handle these problems we will customize three different models to work optimally with their standard sampling rate of 48 kHz. One for noise reduction, one for de-reverberation, and one with both combined. This will allow SyncDNA to offer a user interface where users can toggle the individual processors on and off.

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Norwegian audio

HANCE is a Norwegian-based startup, like SyncDNA. Hika says there is an emerging presence of audio and music companies with Norwegian ties.

– We’re ever in the shadow of Sweden’s Abba and Spotify. But in recent years Norwegian artists like Alan Walker, Sigrid, Kygo and Girl in Red have made their mark. In addition to that it seems the audio and startup scene is growing as well. Whereby with their video conferencing, SensiBel who are making new microphones, and MultiChannel who are doing AI-mastering. Exciting times ahead.

For more information about SyncDNA's integration of HANCE technology and other inquiries, please contact